Yoga Pose of the Month: Triangle

Perfect your Triangle pose with these great instructions from SBAC. Triangle pose, or Trikonasana, is a wonderful pose for everyone because it allows for many modifications. The many benefits of this pose allow for stretching of your hips, hamstrings, calves, shoulders, chest, groin, and spine. Triangle pose also strengthens the thighs, knees, and ankles.

To enter triangle pose, place your feet about 3 feet apart. Your right foot toes should face forward, and your left foot toes should face slightly inward. You want your heels aligned with each other, like your standing on a balance beam. Raise your arms up so they are parallel to the floor, be sure to actively keep your shoulders down away from your ears and reach your arms out. Your stance will resemble a five-point star. When ready reach your right arm forward and extend your torso over your right leg. Your goal is to bend at your hip joint, to help anchor yourself be sure to press both feet firmly into the ground. As your reach your torso forward also rotate your torso to the left, try to keep your sides equal. Rest your right hand on your shin, ankle, on a block, or the floor outside your right foot. At the same time reach your left arm toward the ceiling, opening your heart to the left wall. Try not to strain your neck, either look down toward your right hand, or out toward the left wall, or up to your left hand. Hold for a few breaths, when ready to come out of the pose press down with your legs and bring yourself back to your original five-point star position. Repeat the same thing on the other side, be sure to rotate your feet.

To add an extra level of challenge, and stretch add a bind to the pose. Reach your top arm behind your back, reach your bottom arm between your legs and grasp your fingers.